Why Organisations Should Consider Interim Recruitment in Times of Uncertainty
As we continue to move through the crisis, organisations globally have had to change the way they function to continue operating. We’ve found that many are being forced to put their permanent recruitment on hold, as they are understandably unsure of growth during such times. However, we’ve also found that marketing and communications teams that we’ve spoken to recently are under considerable strain due to the new pressures that Covid-19 has brought.
The Institute of Internal Communication recently ran a survey on the impact of Covid-19 on the internal communications function and found that 71% of respondents have had a significant increase to workload and capacity. 61% of respondents said that they are issuing Covid-19 related messages daily. The demand for internal communications has skyrocketed but resource has stayed the same, and the long-term mental health impact of this is yet to be seen. To mitigate such demand, some organisations we’ve spoken to have even resorted to using their PR teams to support the internal communications person/team. Although this may seem a short term solution, this will inevitably create an issue for the wider communications function as PR teams continue to respond to external pressures.
With organisations being unable to continue with their permanent recruitment and with continuing strain on the communications function, at times like this it may be worth considering interim recruitment.
A better financial option for the business
Most organisations at this moment in time cannot commit to the long-term costs associated with permanent recruitment but are still in need of resource. Recruiting for a permanent position can often take months and there are many elements that must be considered, including determining culture fit, onboarding and training. With contractors, you pay for their service only, and do not need to pay holiday, sick pay or other associated costs. There are no training costs associated with interim recruitment, as contractors are highly skilled. By bringing in a contractor, you’re able to meet the demands of your organisation at a much more feasible cost. If you’re unsure about how day rates compare against salaries, then use our Day Rate Calculator to help you determine costs.
Interim recruitment allows for flexibility
You can create the contract to suit the needs of your organisation exactly. You can decide if you need someone on a full time or part time basis and determine the length of the contract. If your team is currently stretched and under-resourced, but you anticipate in 6 weeks’ time it won’t be, then why not consider a 6-week contract? The contract end dates can also fluctuate as and when you need; you can extend an interim’s contract or decide to end it earlier than anticipated. This can be done by putting in a short notice period or no notice period at all, meaning that you won’t have to pay out months of wages as you would in a permanent contract. Our network of experienced contractors are ready to start immediately, so you can decide if you want someone to start tomorrow or next week. If you’re unsure about virtual onboarding, read our blog on how to onboard employees virtually.
There are many skilled contractors ready to start immediately
In our yet to be published 2020 Bridging the Gap report, which focuses on the interim marketing and communications market, we found that over 57% of communications and marketing contractors have over 15 years of experience. These contractors have a wealth of experience behind them including managing the implications of the 2008 financial crisis. These learnings, although from a vastly different scenario, can help in the management of the current crisis at hand. Contractors can also provide a fresh pair of eyes to the organisation and suggest ideas or solutions that may not have been previously considered. Contractors that have chosen this career path are flexible, allowing them to adapt to your organisational needs quickly.
What about IR35?
In March 2020, the Government announced that IR35 will be postponed until April 2021. Due to this postponement in legislation, organisations can now hire on an interim basis and extend contracts without any risk. The previously added task of having to determine IR35 status has been temporarily removed, which means you can have a contractor start with no financial risk to your organisation. If you have questions surrounding IR35, read our FAQ blog here.
Location is no longer a factor
Most organisations have now set up their employees to work from home. Although working from home has its challenges, there is one added benefit: location is no longer a factor when hiring on an interim basis. As we continue to be on lockdown, with no real signs of when it will be lifted, there’s no pressure for you to bring someone in that lives in near proximity to your physical office. This opens up the pool of candidates, allowing you to get the best talent into the team, even if they are halfway across the country.
If you’re in need of interim support or want to find out more about day rates, contract lengths and the logistics of setting up a contractor, then get in touch with Matt Gibbs at mgibbs@vmagroup.com.
Want to know more about the benefits of interim recruitment? Read our case study here.
VMA GROUP is a leading international interim and permanent communications, digital and marketing recruitment, and executive search specialist. Specialist practices cover internal and change communications, external communications, public affairs, marketing, digital, and agency services.
We have a reputation for providing leading consultancy services and advice supported by in-depth knowledge of the professions we recruit for. Our thought leadership and benchmarking studies have become go-to resources for the communications and marketing industry supporting planning and decision-making.
VMA GROUP has offices in London, Manchester, Amsterdam, and Brussels, but we work with organisations and individuals on a global basis.